Saturday, February third, 2018
8am to 12pm (may fit longer counting on foot site visitors)
Old fixtures, silver goods, outdoors tools (sevylor raft, tent, motorcycle, fishing equipment and so on.), desk bound spin motorbike, treadmill, junior/younger girl garb which include promenade/homecoming attire, earrings, home items, Nintento Wii and Rock Band + different video games, and many odds and ends! homecoming 2018 dresses

Backyard Sale - 1057 Capello Manner $1Ojai, CA

Saturday, February third, 2018
8am to 12pm (may fit longer counting on foot site visitors)
Old fixtures, silver goods, outdoors tools (sevylor raft, tent, motorcycle, fishing equipment and so on.), desk bound spin motorbike, treadmill, junior/younger girl garb which include promenade/homecoming attire, earrings, home items, Nintento Wii and Rock Band + different video games, and many odds and ends!

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